type: Worn about Body
name: silvery robe
AC: -0.5
attributes: 499 container
restrictions: EM EC ApT ApW (AND)
look: a pile of silver material is lying on the ground.
desc: It is a well-tailored garment made of a strong material with a
silvery sheen.
identify: Object 'robe silvery', Item type: CONTAINER
Weight: 499, Value: 100000
Can affect you as :
Affects : ARMOR By -5
Only those who are at least experienced magic users and also experienced
clerics, and apprentice thieves, and apprentice warriors may use this item.
mobiles: ettin villager child giant ( SS, Ettins )
lyrran priestess ( BH, The Clouds )

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added: by Mind , 03.01.2002 05:39 MSK