type: Worn on Fingers
name: red ring of scales
AC: -0.3
attributes: +5HPS -1HIT
restrictions: NT NW (AND)
look: A small ring has been carelessly discarded here.
desc: The ring is nothing more than a carved piece of apatite crystal, rather
simple and plain. What makes it special, however, is the fact that it
has a slight internal glow.
identify: Object 'ring scaled red', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 1, Value: 35000
AC-apply is -0.3
Can affect you as :
Affects : HIT By 5
Affects : HITROLL By -1
Only those who are at least novice thieves and also novice warriors may use this item.

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added: by Mind , 03.01.2002 06:45 MSK