type: Backstab Weapon
name: short dirk
dice: 3D2 +1 +1
restrictions: ApM ApT (OR)
look: The light gleams on the point of a sharp dirk.
desc: The dirk does not have an edge on its blade, but the point has been filed
to form a nasty looking point.
identify: Object 'short dirk', Item type: WEAPON
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 2, Value: 6000
Damage Dice is '3D2'
Can affect you as :
Affects : HITROLL By 1
Affects : DAMROLL By 1
Only those who are at least apprentice magic users or apprentice thieves
may use this item.
mobiles: sneaky hidden life form ( SS, Grymlyns )

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added: by Ferrum , 07.01.2002 14:53 MSK