type: Worn on Neck
name: amethyst amulet
AC: -0.1
attributes: +1HPREGEN
restrictions: NM NC NT NW (OR)
look: A bit of yellow amethyst is attached to a thin leather cord.
desc: The amethyst stone is not a valuable gem, its color varies far to much for
that. Orange hues become bright yellow in thin areas of its chaotic shape.
A dark black speck lies in the center of the stone.
identify: Object 'amethyst amulet', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: MAGIC
Weight: 1, Value: 1500
AC-apply is -0.1
Can affect you as :
Affects : REGEN_HP By 1
Only those who are at least novice magic users or novice clerics, or novice
thieves, or novice warriors may use this item.
mobiles: grymlyn vizier alchemist ( SS, Grymlyns )
master grey ( AH, Mage Tower )

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added: by Ferrum , 07.01.2002 14:57 MSK