type: Held Low
name: shimmering wand
AC: -0.0
attributes: +1DEX +1HIT has 3 charges of restoration
restrictions: ApM ApC ApT (OR)
look: A bright, glowing wand has been left here...It has a soft glowing aura!
desc: This short wand is made of a very light metal. A small diamond,
fastened to the tip of the wand, glows a bright red...It has a soft glowing aura!
identify: Object 'wand shimmering', Item type: WAND
Weight: 1, Value: 24856
Has 3 charges, with 3 charges left.
Level 35 spell of:
Can affect you as :
Affects : DEX By 1
Affects : HITROLL By 1
Only those who are at least apprentice magic users or apprentice clerics,
or apprentice thieves may use this item.
mobiles: dwarf priestess berronar ( SS, Dwarven Stronghold )

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added: by Next , 11.01.2002 12:49 MSK