type: Worn on Body
name: beetle's shell
AC: -1.7
attributes: -10MV
restrictions: NM NC NT NW (OR)
look: Two shells of some black shiny material have been dropped on the floor.
desc: The beetle to which this chitinous shell belonged must have been huge.
The natural armor is two feet long, and required only the slightest of
modifications to be usable by a human being. It shines in the light,
black with greenish highlights.
identify: Object 'beetle shell', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 10, Value: 3000
AC-apply is -1.7
Can affect you as :
Affects : MOVE By -10
Only those who are at least novice magic users or novice clerics, or novice
thieves, or novice warriors may use this item.
mobiles: stag beetle ( BH, The Park )

add mob

added: by Ferrum , 26.03.2002 05:10 MSK