type: Spellbook
name: book being consumed by flames
attributes: damnation
restrictions: 7 Av
look: A book being consumed by the flames of hell lies forgotten on the ground...It emits a faint humming sound!
desc: You see nothing special....It emits a faint humming sound!
identify: Object 'spellbook book flames hell eawiahua', Item type: SPELLBOOK
Weight: 2, Value: 10666
Only those who are at least among the most highly skilled magic users and
also among the most highly skilled clerics, and among the most highly
skilled thieves, and among the most highly skilled warriors may use this
mobiles: Rog shaman ( Lyme, Valley of Dust and Fire )
wu white witch female ( Lyme, Ch'ung Kuo )

add mob

added: by Ferrum , 10.05.2002 12:42 MSK