type: Weapon
name: sharp dusty branch
dice: 3D3 +3 0
restrictions: NM NC NC NT (OR)
look: A sharp branch is partially seen under some dust.
desc: Just an ordinary branch that can be found in any forest, which
has been sharpened and may be used as a primitive weapon.
identify: Object 'branch dusty sharp', Item type: WEAPON
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 2, Value: 4500
Damage Dice is '3D3'
Can affect you as :
Affects : HITROLL By 3
Only those who are at least novice in at least one of the starting classes
may use this item.
mobiles: 2:avian jrontaun scout ( TH, Forest of Aaost )
2:vicious avian jrontaun scout ( TH, Forest of Aaost )
3':an avian scout ( TH, Forest of Aaost )
3:avian guard banded jrontaun ( TH, Forest of Aaost )
3:wise avian jrontaun scout ( TH, Forest of Aaost )

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added: by Mind , 09.11.2002 00:50 MSK