type: Worn on Feet
name: pair of durs-hide boots 2
AC: -0.2
attributes: +5MANA -1HPREGEN
restrictions: AdM AdC (OR)
look: A pair of hide boots have been left behind.
desc: Made with two layers of dursimite hides, these boots were skillfully
fabricated using the finest tools. An unusual design flanks the
outside-top of each one.
identify: Object 'boots durs hide', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 4, Value: 10500
AC-apply is -0.2
Can affect you as :
Affects : MANA By 5
Affects : REGEN_HP By -1
Only those who are at least adept magic users or clerics may use this item.
mobiles: Sipa islander man ( TH, Forest of Aaost )

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added: by Falsra , 18.11.2002 18:34 MSK