type: Worn on Head
name: rubber-covered helmet
AC: -0.8
attributes: +1STR +5MV
restrictions: AdM ApC ApT ApW (OR)
look: A helmet covered by pieces of some elastic substance has been left here.
desc: Made of beaten black metal, the spengelhelm completely covers the wearers
head except for two small eyes slits. A neck protection of black metal scale
hangs off the bottom rim of the helmet, and runs down to the shoulders.
identify: Object 'helmet helm rubber ', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 3, Value: 6450
AC-apply is -0.8
Can affect you as :
Affects : STR By 1
Affects : MOVE By 5
Only those who are at least adept magic users or apprentice clerics, or
apprentice thieves, or apprentice warriors may use this item.

mobiles: guard gate guardian oaf man ( Valkyre, Newbatia Town )

add mob

added: by Codesh , 21.11.2002 22:57 MSK