type: Worn as Belt
name: feathered cincture
AC: -0.5
attributes: -5MV
restrictions: least supreme in at least one of the starting classes
look: A cluster of large feathers lie in a heap on the ground.
desc: Numerous large avian feathers have been stitched to a leather
strap. One end of the strap hooks to the other end, and it
could easily be worn around the waist.
identify: Object 'cincture feathered', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 4, Value: 125000
AC-apply is -0.5
Can affect you as :
Affects : MOVE By -5
Only those who are at least supreme in at least one of the starting classes
may use this item.
mobiles: FORGE
handful of volcano dust
golden egg
strip of hide
piece of bluish bark
speckled feather


added: by Mind , 12.01.2003 04:41 MSK