type: Other
name: first page
look: A glue-stained sheet of paper flutters in the breeze, the title says '1'.
desc: My dear brother in magic Jeraim,

Why, yes I do have the codex of demonic destruction and - woohoo! - it
works. Well, and no, I didn't steal it, I merely borrowed... Bomanz is pretty
forgetful, must be getting early amnesia... well I don't blame him, last night
Matheas stuffed our special gnomish glue inside the stew - ah, talk about
the heavenly taste! - and those who had the (un)luck of tasting it are now
on a liquid diet because their teeth are glued. One possible solution, I
think, includes pulling the teeth off, but I bet you the Dragon-Teeth
Committee would provide the new teeth for free (so expect them moving
onto their liquid diet again soon).
And, yes, I can lend you that spellbook for sure. To tell the truth it
identify: Object 'page sheet paper first', Item type: TRASH
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 0, Value: 0

add mob

added: by Zam , 28.04.2003 15:26 MSK