type: Potion
name: potion of insight
attributes: level 12 spells of detect invisibility
look: A small jar labeled 'potion of insight' has been left here.
desc: A piece of waxed cork has been used to stopper a small jar. The label
on it states 'POTION OF INSIGHT', then in smaller letters 'to help find
that which is hidden through sorcery or immobility. that which is sought
must still be within line of sight'
identify: Object 'insight potion', Item type: POTION
Item is: MAGIC
Weight: 1, Value: 400
Level 12 spells of:
detect invisibility
mobiles: alchemist thalassas store ( TH, Town of Thalassas )

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added: by Ferrum , 01.09.2003 17:07 MSK