mob area: TH, Valley of the Great Ones
mob name: Sebek
mob look: Sebek, the Crocodile God, is very annoyed as you walk toward him.
mob desc: This is one of the minor Great Old Ones, dressed in a long, white robe.
Taloned hands hang from swirling sleeves, and the jeweled fingers clasp a
rod of gold, set with the seal of the Eye of Horus. The top of the robe
ends in a cape-collar of black. It stands as a stiffly hooded background
for an awful looking head. A slanted, saurian skull, all green and scaly
the top, hairless, slimy and nauseous. Great bony ridges socket the embered
eyes, staring from behind a sickening sweep of a long, reptilian snout. A
muzzle with great chomping jaws, half opened to reaveal a lolling, pinkish
tongue and scummy teeth of razor-like sharpness.
Sebek looks pretty hurt.

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
gold coins
items found: ring of ancient evil

add item

added: by Helxen , 07.12.2001 13:08 MSK