mob area: SS, M.A.G.I.C.
mob name: mad drunken gnome
mob look: A gnome looks like he has taken one too many.
mob desc: This smelly gnome looks like he has snakes in his boots. By the smell of
him, he probably has been on gnomish spirits for two or three days, and
that was a little too much. Right at the moment, the gnome stares at the
floor underfoot and gyrates madly in arcane spirals as if afraid of
something deadly that only he can see. Although the gnome stands on his
feet rather unsteadily, not a single drop leaks out from a half-empty
bottle of gnomish spirits he is holding in his shaky hands.
A drunken gnome is in an excellent condition.
items found: shape-shifting key
lucky rabbits foot charm

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added: by Falca , 07.12.2001 16:47 MSK