mob area: SS, M.A.G.I.C.
mob name: miniature tiny green dragon
mob look: A tiny green dragon lets out a boisterous sneeze and blinks in confusion.
mob desc: The miniature green dragon looks as embarrassed and confused as possible
for a dragon. His long scaly muzzle curls and twitches as he is trying to
hold his sneeze, to little avail. Truth must be told, the dragon was a
part of the gnomish liquid fire collecting device. The liquid fire is the
dragon's saliva, and the actual device's purpose was to make the dragon
drool. It seems it all went fine until the dusty air made the dragon
sneeze, starting the room ablaze. Worse yet, the dragon keeps sneezing.
A miniature green dragon is in an excellent condition.
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added: by Falca , 07.12.2001 17:34 MSK