mob area: SS, M.A.G.I.C.
mob name: nervous shivering student
mob look: A shivering student steals from shadow to shadow of the lecture hall.
mob desc: An I.D. card pinned to his chest implies that this gnome is one of the
participants of the 'Improve the Mining Machine' contest. For reasons
unknown he appears very, very worried by something, and strolls uneasily
along the lecture hall, completely ignoring the lecture. From time to
time, he will throw a fidgety glance at the Testing Lab, where the entries
of the contest lie, and then at the trapdoor to Bomanz's Study. Then he
resumes his trekking around the lecture hall, his movements resembling
those of a wolf circling around its prey.
A nervous student is in an excellent condition.
items found: flawless ruby ring
cracked ruby ring

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added: by Falca , 07.12.2001 19:19 MSK