mob area: BH, Kara'sa
mob name: soulless slave
mob look: A soulless slave trudges past, staring at nothing with eyeless sockets.
mob desc: Black ooze crusts the empty eye sockets of this downtrodden slave. His
skin is snow-pale, as if it had never seen the sun, and his dark, tattered
garments hang loosely on his frail frame. Cracked lips stretch wide across
his bony face in an insane rictus, and flaps of skin hang from his exposed
neck and arms. He whispers softly to himself as he walks, "No more. No
A soulless slave is in an excellent condition.

comments: wandering, non-aggro, solid, 260k(1k gold)
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added: by Mind , 11.12.2001 15:58 MSK