mob area: BH, Kara'sa
mob name: elisan ghost spirit prince
mob look: A translucent young man paces the room, muttering to himself.
mob desc: Elisan's high cheekbones and pointed features mark him as a member of the
ancient Kara'san nobility. A thin gold circlet rests on his brow, and
long reddish hair brushes his shoulders, where gold epaulets decorate a
jacket of silvery thread. A slim sword of dark wood is sheathed at his
side, and he moves with the grace of a lean cat. His piercing blue eyes
stare at something beyond this world, and his forehead furrows in thought.
His skin is pale and translucent, and an unnatural cold radiates from him.
Prince Elisan is in an excellent condition.

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
a pale parchment
comments: ethereal, 5Mln(10k gold), proc: Prince Elisan glares icily at CHAR_NAME , CHAR_NAME glares boldly back at Prince Elisan and winks.
items found:

add item

added: by Mind , 11.12.2001 17:57 MSK