mob area: AH, Aisholm
mob name: innkeeper moran wife goodwife
mob look: Goodwife Moran is in charge of the living quarters for the soldiers.
mob desc: Red Moran's wife is tall and strong, a woman made to work in farms and
keep children in line. If sergeants have mothers, it must be women that
look like this. Her brown hair is barely on the light side of black,
and her grey eyes can be steely or motherly, but in any case look like
orders coming your way. She cannot comprehend the concept of 'rest',
which has lead to confrontations with almost everybody in town as she
tried to take over cooking, cleaning, and telling soldiers how to dress.
Being placed in charge of the soldier's living quarters and the guest
rooms has calmed her somewhat, as it gives her something to do.
Goodwife Moran is in an excellent condition.
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added: by Falca , 11.12.2001 19:17 MSK