mob area: SS, Derros
mob name: derro dwarf raider
mob look: (Red Aura)A derro raider glares at your intrusion with hatred in his eyes.
mob desc: The derro raider is a short dwarf with bluish-white skin the color of
a frozen lake. He is wearing thick hide armor taken from some large
grazing animal animal and has tan hair which is straight and reaches
down to his middle back. His eyes lack obvious pupils and glow with
his evil intentions. He has a long straight moustache and beard of
the same color as his hair. The raider is armed with a hooked aklys
and carries a secari in a sheath on his belt.
A derro raider is in an excellent condition.

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
You can't see anything.
comments: aggro
items found:

add item

added: by Ferrum , 13.12.2001 12:02 MSK