mob area: AH, Aisholm
mob name: Nadya guild healer aisholm
mob look: Healer Nadya greets you with a smile as cold as the weather. Healer Nadya glows with a bright light!
mob desc: With each hair in its ordained place, robes so ornate as to be almost
ceremonial, and a perfect face, Nadya is used to getting her way with
a bat of her lashes. Her robes show too much ivory flesh for this cold
climate, and goosebumps marr the exposed surfaces. The healer is in
the process of discovering that being head of a Guild is not all glamour
and parades. Thule's cold is barely chillier than her heart as she
schemes, preparing her return to Bal Harbor.
Healer Nadya is in an excellent condition.
comments: guildmaster
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added: by Ferrum , 29.12.2001 23:18 MSK