mob area: BH, Eden
mob name: death figure horseman
mob look: A cloaked figure stands here begging you to come closer.
mob desc: Cloaked and hooded and as invisible as night, no face can be seen within
death's concealing cowl. No hands can be seen gripping the scythe at its
side. It stands hunched forward like a very old man, all bent and gnarled,
a creature apparently crippled by age and time. But there is no sense of
weakness about it. It stands steady and sure. What cripples it is not
age or time, but the weight of the burden it bears for the lives it has
taken. A small belt of flasks hangs from its waist.
The horseman of death is in an excellent condition.
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added: by Ferrum , 04.01.2002 00:00 MSK