mob area: TH, Forest of Aaost
mob name: 1:one-earred horn dursimite*
mob look: Standing here is a dursimite with only one ear.
mob desc: From the dursimite family, this horned-type appears to have lost one of his
ears. He stands a little over two feet in height, which is normal. The
horned types are larger and stronger than the shanked, but weaker than the bull-types. All of them have pointed ears that stretch backwards away from their wrinkled-skinned faces, exposing the inner part of the ear. They
have a superb sense of smell due to oversized nostril openings, their
bodies are solid muscle, and all types have short gawky legs.
A one-earred dursimite is in an excellent condition.
comments: pushable, assist stocky
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added: by Mind , 08.01.2002 21:41 MSK