mob area: TH, Town of Thalassas
mob name: Helter dwarf client female
mob look: One of the inn's clients is rummaging in her pack.
mob desc: If it was not for her unusual coloring and very evident width, this dwarf
could be taken for a child. She is barely over four feet tall, with long
silvery tresses that reach down to her knees. That pack she investigates
looks like it may not be hers after all: it may very well be taller than
she is, when it is fully packed. She is wearing an embroidered dress with
puffed-up sleeves and carries no visible weapons. Of course, that big
solid-looking warhammer beside her looks as if it has been equilibrated for
a dwarf, but she is not carrying it. She just placed a handful of ribbons
on the hammer, looks like it does be hers.
A dwarf is in an excellent condition.
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added: by Ferrum , 21.03.2002 00:21 MSK