mob area: AH, Dark Dreams
mob name: Woenz Dark elf wreckage necromancer undead
mob look: Woenz is but a shadow of a wizard, elf wreckage animated by sorcery and mad will.
mob desc: He looks to be an elf, and suspiciously resembles wizard Bomanz,
particularly Bomanz who has spent a couple of centuries in a grave. The
parody of an elf, the necromancer wears a ptomac-poisoned tunic embroidered
with veins that form his name 'Woenz'. The necromancer's voice, definitely
magic-aided, booms over the lab as he chants his spells to animate the
dead. Woenz himself is but a corpse of an elf. A malicious, living,
magic-wielding corpse.
Woenz o' the Dark is in an excellent condition.
comments: perma sanc
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added: by Kamazoh , 26.04.2002 13:39 MSK