mob area: AH, Dark Dreams
mob name: Diablo angelic being fallen angel undead
mob look: Diablo's otherworldly beauty makes him all but impossible not to stare at.
mob desc: With a heart of flint and all the mercy of a shark, Diablo has dark eyes
that shift color. Perilous eyes sometimes, strange eyes at best, they seem
able to communicate vast worlds of impatience. Dark, aware of everything,
they pierce to your very soul, excavating every hidden thought. Diablo is
darkly handsome, ominously motionless, and definitely dangerous. His
stillness is that of a snake before an ambush. Two bloody stumps protrude
from his back, where his wings of a true angel once were.
Diablo, the fallen angel is in an excellent condition.
comments: perma sanc
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added: by Kamazoh , 26.04.2002 15:11 MSK