mob area: TH, Castle R'lyeh
mob name: gug sentry thing
mob look: *A sentry gug stands here, prohibiting entrance through the large stone door.
mob desc: Standing twenty-five feet tall, this giant is covered with matted fur,
excrement, and the remains of years of grisly feeding. Anthropoid in
shape, a gug's anatomy diverges in the three obvious areas: its huge size,
vertically hinged mouth, and two forearms per arm(giving it four formidable
taloned claws). The sentry gug is the largest of all known gugs and its
sole reason for existence is the preservation and safety of it's shaman.
A sentry gug is in an excellent condition.

comments: stab wind
items found: tiny chisel

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added: by Falsra , 09.09.2002 18:23 MSK