mob area: Valkyre, City of Stars
mob name: Lord Dophrael Star
mob look: The Star Lord Dophrael is here moving swiftly and silently over the floor.
mob desc: Dophrael is the master of stealth and fluid movement amongst the Star Lords. He moves swiftly and effortlessly across the rice paper on the floor.
Although a few rips can be seen in the paper, it is doubtful this man could
have caused them. As he turns to look your way his small, black beady eyes betray his true cunning and deceptive abilities. He is frail and thin yet
wields an inconceivable amount of quickness and agility.

Dophrael is in an excellent condition.
items found: shield of the stars
aura of the moon

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added: by Codesh , 25.11.2002 00:10 MSK