mob area: BH, School of Cholemry
mob name: man visiting Barovia Barovian
mob look: A visiting Barovian rushes about town, carefully avoiding shadows.
mob desc: The Barovian visitor is dressed in a tunic and dark overalls. His overalls
are stained with sweat and dirt. The man is large and stocky with a
muscular frame. The man's body doesn't look that old, but he has a
troubled face that is creased with wrinkles. The villager moves through
the library very quickly, and looks to the ceiling and over his shoulders
many times as he scans the titles on the books.
A visiting Barovian is in excellent condition.
a visiting Barovian is using:
held a metal key..It emits a faint humming sound!
comments: Now where did that chicken go?

items found: metal key

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added: by Ferrum , 14.05.2003 16:06 MSK