mob area: AH, Negative Energy Plane
mob name: ygorl slaad lord demon
mob look: Ygorl, the Slaad Lord, impatiently fingers a bluish blade.
mob desc: Sharp green scales cover the enormous frame of the slaad, Lord Ygorl.
Curved ram-like horns sprout from above each of his greenish eyes, and
razor-edged spines jut out from his shoulders and elbows. His hooved feet
strike the ground as he stomps angrily, sending sparks skittering across
the ground. An elongated snout, filled with shark-like teeth, houses a
thick, forked tongue. Running a scaled finger along his bluish blade, he
mumbles to himself about the destruction of the world that banished him.
The Slaad Lord, Ygorl is in excellent condition.
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added: by Bazilus , 25.05.2003 14:12 MSK