mob area: TH, Enea's Temple
mob name: angel watcher
mob look: An angel with clear blue eyes and translucent wings watches over the world.
mob desc: Enea's angelic watchers look much like men would if men had large clear
wings. They wear glaringly bright white robes, golden crowns, and white
pants and tunics of an unknown material. The robes symbolize their role as members of Enea's heavenly priesthood, and the crowns denote their status as ruling members of his cabal.
An angelic watcher is in excellent condition.

an angelic watcher is using:
held an angelic watcher's crown
comments: nowind, nodisint, nodispelevil, nostab, hiting vicously

Fairly easy.

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added: by Ferrum , 07.09.2003 18:25 MSK