mob area: Valkyre, The Shadows
mob name: apprentice Moonshadow
mob look: A paleface, seemingly ageless man darts a black look at you.
mob desc:
The apprentice of the shadow master Moonshadow is a tall, pale man with an
ageless face. He is dressed very simply. In fact, he is scarcely dressed at all.
Pinned magically right to the bare skin is a crescent-shaped badge of Moonshadow.
A scarf of the blackest hue enwraps his hips. It appears that the man has
purposefully sharpened his fingernails for an unknown reason. He doesn't seem
quite happy to meet anyone other than a stray shadow around.
Moonshadow's apprentice is in excellent condition.
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added: by Dezakin , 30.11.2003 03:59 MSK